Technical Mentoring & Elmering Net

Technical Topics and Advice for New Hams

Thursdays from 8:00 to 9:00 PM on the SBARC Hub linked repeaters.

The Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net is dedicated to teaching. We discuss technical topics related to ham radio at ALL levels of expertise, with very special emphasis on helping any new ham any way we can. Remember you are an expert in your field of endeavor, so its no shame if you are just a beginner in ham radio. In fact, a great question for the net is “ WHAT are you guys talking about?”

There is no “lecture topic”, meaning that we are completely question-based, so its great if you have a list of questions ready. We take check-ins at the beginning, and throughout the net, so you can join (and leave) anytime you want to. Usually we discuss some technical topic for awhile, then leave breaks for people to jump in with a different question. Often several very expert hams are on, with possibly some listening ready to help with something they know, or to answer up to net control asking “who wants to answer that question?” The net is very informal and friendly, and also helps any new ham with even non-technical ham radio questions, like correct operating procedure, etc.

You’ll find recordings of the net in the SBARC Audio Archives.

Net controllers, see the TM&E Net preamble and script wiki.


Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 3/17/2022

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you.

We had another interesting net tonight with 8 check-ins plus net control Dave, AI6VX. Tonight’s topics included:

  • With 35 ft. of available length above my mobile home will that be sufficient to get on 20 meters and other HF bands?
  • What is your most prized piece of ham radio equipment you own currently and what is on your ham radio wish-list if you could ask for anything?
  • How to install a Yaesu FTM-300 in my truck with an open bed without drilling holes?
  • General discussions.

Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 3/3/2022

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you.

We had another interesting net tonight with 9 check-ins plus net control Frank, K6FLD. Tonight’s topics included:

  • Chirp software won’t upload to my radio.
  • Antenna guy wires can “act as” a ground plane, one might want to use non-conductive material somewhere between guy wire and ground.
  • Loud grunge noise being heard on local repeater system.
  • Icom IC-735 repair (need to test transmit somehow). Web SDR?.
  • Dummy loads.

Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 2/24/2022

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you.

We had another interesting net tonight with 13 check-ins plus net control Ken, KA6KEN. Tonight’s topics included:

  • Is a ground plane grounded to the mast or is it isolated?
  • SDRplay on Raspberry Pi?
  • Threshold voltages for silicone diodes.
  • HF radio used to locate a downed aircrafts last known position.

Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 2/17/2022

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you.

We had another interesting net tonight with 9 check-ins plus net control Dave, AI6VX. Tonight’s topics included:

  • Raspberry Pi.
  • Field Day 2022 limited to 100 watts PEP?

Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 2/10/2022

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you.

We had another interesting net tonight with 12 check-ins plus net control Frank, K6FLD. Tonight’s topics included:

  • ICOM IC735 repair – receive section on transmit shuts off receive, why?
  • How to program Yaesu FT-991.
  • Vertical Dipole for packet radio via Winlink.
  • 3 spokes antenna.

Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 2/3/2022

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you.

We had another interesting net tonight with 12 check-ins plus net control Brian, K6BPM. Tonight’s topics included:

  • CW decode/translate software?
  • Raspberry Pi SHARI.
  • Davis WX stations.

Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 1/27/2022

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you.

We had another interesting net tonight with 9 check-ins plus net control Ken, KA6KEN. Tonight’s topics included:

  • Crimper tool for specific Molex connector pins.
  • AllStar Test.
  • Hustler antenna and radials.
  • How to convert Icom F122 commercial radio to Ham 2M band.
  • Remote Rigs (Ken to elaborate at later date).

Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.