General Club Meeting – October 21, 2022

The October meeting will feature a presentation by Steve Noll, WA6EJO, on antennas and propagation. This is a MUST-SEE meeting for everyone. Steve does great presentations with lots of actual hands-on examples using his collection of 10 GHz gear and visual aids. This will be a live demonstration exploring radiation patterns and polarization of a variety of antennas from ground planes to loop Yagis to helices, plus actual demonstrations of a variety of propagation phenomena including ducting, refraction, diffraction, knife edging, Fresnel zone, velocity of propagation, and more. If you would like to know more about the black magic of radio waves and how to use them, you don’t want to miss Steve’s presentation. He is an expert in the field. Steve Noll, WA6EJO, has been active in Ham Radio for the past 40 years. He pioneered 2-way Amateur Radio Laser communications in the late 1970s and operated an experimental 23 centimeter repeater and an X-Band beacon in Ventura for many years. Steve chaired several of the West Coast VHF/UHF Conferences in the 1990s where he also built and ran the antenna gain and pattern plotting range. He is a member of the Amateur Television Network and is a founding member of the MAKE Ventura makerspace. Steve retired from Advanced Photonix after 22 years as their Senior Test Engineer. We will also be hosting this meeting on Zoom, but you won’t get as much out of the presentation as you will if you attend in person! Please try to get there, you won’t regret it! SBARC General Club Meeting Friday, October 21 at 7:30 PM Goleta Union School District Board Room 401 North Fairview Avenue in Goleta Zoom Details Topic: SBARC General Club Meeting Time: Oct 21, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Meeting ID: 836 0027 5793 Passcode: 326930 We hope to see you all at the meeting! Post expires at 11:00pm on Friday October 21st, 2022 but will still be available in the archives.