Field Day 2015 – UPDATED
Field Day is an intense 24 hours of ham operations. SBARC will have the Rover set up at the Camino Real Marketplace near the movie theater. Setup will begin on Friday June 26th at 12:30 hours and operating will begin on Saturday June 27th at 11:00 hours and continue nonstop until Sunday June 28th at 11:00 hours. Operators are needed for 2 hour time slots during these times. Operation will be on SSB, CW and Digital Modes. People will also be needed to meet, greet, and explain amateur radio to the general public. Contact Tom – N6YX at 805-967-7351 or to sign up for this fun event! UPDATE – June 10, 2015 – From Tom N6YX You are welcome to join the SBARC Field Day event. Field Day starts 11 AM, Saturday, June 27 and runs for 24 hours. We will be located at Camino Real Market Place, about 70 yards south of the movie theatre. The club will operate as a 1A station (single transmitter). We will make hundreds of short HF contacts to stations in US, Canada, Mexico, Hawaii. Contacts will be made using phone, CW, and digital modes. This is a great learning experience for new as well as old hams. We need help with setup Friday afternoon, operators, loggers, and greeters for the public. Setup involves the assembly and mounting of an antenna on the club’s Rover van. We will check out the equipment to make sure everything is working properly before we start operating Saturday morning. Loggers enter contact information into a computer. It is a very simple program that is used to log station call sign, operating classification, and ARRL section information from each contact. Technician class and unlicensed individuals can operate as long as there is a properly licensed ham as the control operator. You do not need any experience to be an operator or logger. This is a great outreach event for the public. This is why we chose the Camino Real mall for this event. We get a lot of interest from the public. Greeters answer simple questions about ham radio and get interested people to sign up for more information or to start a license class. You are also welcome to stop by and check it out. Post expires at 11:00am on Sunday June 28th, 2015 but will still be available in the archives.