Radio Gear For Sale

Club Fundraising Items

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  1. Baofeng Antenna Fluid: Great for keeping your Baofeng UV5R properly serviced, $4.95 Photo
  2. Heath ET3200 Digital Trainer: Excellent condition, comes with experimental components for $20 Photo 
  3. Public Address Amplifier: Radio Shack Model MPA-95. 100 Watts, mint condition and works great. $40  Photo
  4. DAIWA CN-620B SWR/Power Meter: 1.8MHz to 150MHz to 2KW, just calibrated at HF and I would use it there. Decent condition. $30 Photo
  5. Diamond SX20C Power/SWR Meter: 3.5MHz to 150MHz in two power ranges 30Watts/300Watts and it’s accurate. $30. Photo
  6. Heathkit HD-1426 Field Strength Meter: A quick, old school go/no go method to check your handheld or base station output. Good condition. $20 Photo
  7. BUDDIPOLE Standard Kit: Excellent condition-40 meters thru 2 meters. Includes Rotating Arm kit, coax, and carrying bag. See company’s website for details. $125 Photo

RF-Explorer 3G Combo Frequency Analyzer

Contact Brian K6BPM brian @

$125.00 – Cash, PayPal, Credit Cards, CashApp, Venmo

Like new RF-Explorer 3G Combo Frequency Analyzer. 15 MHz to 2.7 GHz continuous with no breaks. Latest firmware installed and calibrated.

Includes the following:

  • OEM zippered case
  • Rubber protection boot
  • Antennas (3)
  • SMA dummy loads (2)
  • Charging/computer cable
  • Printed manual
  • Windows software lets you connect the RF Explorer to your computer

LMR-400 Coax, AEA PK-232 TNC, SDRPlay RSP 2, VHF Airband Converter

The Midland 10-502 is a VHF converter which is to be used in conjunction with any standard broadcast AM receiver (covering frequencies 535 KC-1605 KC). The 10-502 is tunable from 110 MC to 135 MC and covers the entire aircraft communications band.



35 ft. Times Microwave LMR-400 Cable Assembly – $50

Brand new with N connectors. 50 Ohms. Perfect for VHF and UHF feed line.




AEA PAKRATT PK-232 Multimode Data Controller & TNC – $35
The AEA PK-232 is more than just a packet TNC. It supports six modes including weather fax, Morse code, Baudot RTTY, ASCII, AMTOR and Packet. Includes two data cables: a Mini DIN-6 for Kenwood/Yaesu and an 8-pin Icom data cable. Supply your own 12 VDC cable.



SDRPlay RSP 2 Pro Wideband SDR Receiver – $120
Very lightly used and in original packaging. 
  • Continuous coverage from 1kHz to 2GHz: all frequencies LF, MW, HF, VHF, UHF and L-band with no ‘gaps’
  • Supports up to 3 simultaneously connected antennas (2 x 50-Ohms and one High-Z port for lower frequencies)
  • 3 software-selectable antenna sockets
  • External clock input and output for synchronisation purposes, or connection to GPS reference clock
  • Up to 10MHz visible bandwidth
  • Powers over the USB cable with a simple type B socket
  • High Performance ADC silicon technology (not another 8-bit dongle!)
  • 10 high-selectivity, built in front-end preselection filters
  • Software selectable AM/FM broadcast band notch filters
  • Software selectable multi-level Low Noise Preamplifier





Contact: Levi, K6LCM