Club News

What’s happening at SBARC? Here you will find the latest club news, events, projects, net activities, and news from our special interest groups (SIGS).

Be sure to check in frequently so you don’t miss out on any of the interesting things going on with the club and its members!

We have moved content for the Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net here, and content for the Digital Modes Net here.

General Club Meeting for March 19, 2021 – ATV Today

This month long time SBARC member Rod Fritz WB9KMO will be showing a video and leading a Q&A panel discussion about the current state of the art in Amateur Radio Television. It has been several years since SBARC has been involved in this and Rod and crew will tell us about everything that has changed.

The four co-presenters and Q&A panel members are…
* Rod Fritz WB9KMO, Mesa AZ
* Mike Collis WA6SVT, Crestline CA
* Roland Hoffman KC6JPG, Rancho Cucamonga CA
* Jim Andrews KH6HTV, Boulder CO

We hope you will join us on Zoom or YouTube for Rod’s presentation. As usual, the “doors” will open at 7:00pm and the meeting will start at 7:30pm.

YouTube feed is here:

Here are the Zoom details:

SBARC K6TZ is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: General Club Meeting for March 19, 2021 – ATV Today
Time: Mar 19, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

We’ll post the YouTube link just before the meeting starts.

Post expires at 11:00pm on Friday March 19th, 2021 but will still be available in the archives.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 3-11-2021

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you.

We had another interesting net tonight with 9 check-ins plus net control Frank, K6FLD. Tonight’s topics included:

  • Ocean waves and winds can affect seismograph readings.
  • Fusion 360 and 3D printing.
  • Weather conditions up at Bob’s, AC6PZ QTH.

Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.

SBARC Hub Linked Repeaters


With the introduction of links to the 2m and 220 FM repeaters on Santa Cruz Island in December 2020, SBARC now maintains a network of six full-time-linked repeaters throughout Santa Barbara County including the K6TZ flagship repeater on 146.790 MHz at the Talanian Communications Facility (TCF) on the Santa Barbara Mesa. The table below details the frequencies and tones required for access to the SBARC Hub which now covers Santa Barbara County and parts of San Luis Obispo and Ventura counties.

Club nets held on the SBARC Hub include: Cuckoo Net (M-F 8-8:30am), Digital Communications Net (Tues. 8pm), Club Net (Wed. 7:30pm) and Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net (Thurs. 8pm).


Call Location / Name Output Freq Input Freq PL
K6TZ Talanian COMFAC S.B. Mesa

Main Club 2m Repeater
Usually linked to SBARC Hub
AllStar Link Node: 43763

incoming VoIP connections only
Live audio & archives
146.790 146.190 131.8
K6TZ Santa Ynez Peak

Usually linked to SBARC Hub
145.180 144.580 in: 131.8
out: 146.2
W6XC Diablo Peak/Santa Cruz Island 2m
Usually linked to SBARC Hub
GRONK/SBARC co-sponsored; open; FM & P25 supported
Use limited to stations west of Malibu.
146.655 146.055 131.8
K6TZ Diablo Peak/Santa Cruz Island 220
Usually linked to SBARC Hub
Live Camera
223.920 222.320 131.8
K6TZ La Cumbre Peak East 220
May be linked to SBARC Hub
224.080 222.480 131.8
K6TZ Santa Ynez Peak 220
Usually linked to SBARC Hub
224.120 222.520 131.8
K6TZ Talanian COMFAC S.B. Mesa
“TZ 6m”
May be linked to SBARC Hub
51.820 51.320 82.5


General Club Meeting – February 19, 2021

If you are a regular participant or lurker to the Digital Communications Net on Tuesday evenings, you have probably heard us talk regularly about using micro-computers and micro-controllers like the Raspberry Pi and Arduino and other similar development boards. These capable little devices can do all kinds of interesting things that you can use in amateur radio, home automation, environmental monitoring, or just for general learning.

This month we’re going to look at how to get started experimenting with Arduino and compatible Microcontroller boards, from getting the things you need, to writing your first program.


Of course, it is a Zoom meeting again and here are the details. We will use a waiting room again this time. Check-ins start at 7pm and the meeting will start at 7;30pm.


Topic: February 2021 SBARC General Meeting
Time: Feb 19, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 899 8303 7848

Post expires at 1:00am on Saturday February 20th, 2021 but will still be available in the archives.

Volunteer Opportunity: Community Vaccination Clinic

Cottage Health is in need of volunteers to assist with its drive-though community vaccination clinics. Volunteers who assist with the effort may be eligible to receive the vaccine.

There are openings for SBARC members to assist with event support, logistics and registration. This is a great opportunity for us to continue our mission to provide public service to the community, particularly during this disaster.

Clinics are ongoing and will be scheduled in the weeks ahead as vaccine availability permits. Volunteers are asked to sign up for either full-days 07:30-16:30 or half-days mornings or afternoons.

If you are interested in assisting, please complete the Eventbrite volunteer signup form at the link below. When you are contacted, please be sure to identify yourself as an SBARC member.

Register to volunteer (updated link)

After you register, keep an eye out in your SPAM or Junk folder for a reply from in the next few days. Cottage emails have a tendency to be captured by filtering.


SBARC General Club Meeting – January 15, 2021 Open House

Happy New Year everyone!

We will be having our general club meeting on Zoom and YouTube again this month and we are going to have an “Open House” / “Town Hall” style meeting. We hope to have several non-ham visitors and we are going to focus on talking about resources for learning about amateur radio and getting licensed to operate.  We will be opening up the floor for questions and suggestions from current members and prospective members alike. So bring your questions and suggestions and we’ll talk about them.

Zoom information is shown below. Checkins will open at 7pm and the meeting will start at 7:30pm.

SBARC K6TZ is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: January 2021 General Club Meeting
Time: Jan 15, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 7451 7664


Hope to see you there!

Post expires at 9:00pm on Friday January 15th, 2021 but will still be available in the archives.