Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 1/18/2024
The audio archive of this and other SBARC nets have been indefinitely discontinued. Hopefully the audio recordings will be resumed before too long by another local ham enthusiast with the technical ability and resources necessary. We had another interesting net tonight with 6 check-ins plus net control Frank, K6FLD. Tonight’s topics included: During QSO with a DX station (Australia or New Zealand, can’t remember) with a strong signal there was a mechanical “clunk” sound when he keyed down. Anyone know what that might emanate from? General discussions. Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.