Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – July 2, 2015

Tonight’s net yielded 11 check-ins plus net control (K6HWN) and 6 chat room members on Shackmaster Dave had question of Eric (K6HMD) regarding last weeks net discussions of circulators. I (K6FLD) had a question about power supplies for my shack and if 30 amps would be sufficient to power all of my equipment. An Alinco DM-330MV was suggested by Brian (K6BPM) and we also talked about the differences between Linear and Switching power supplies. Please listen to the lively discussion here and enjoy. Tune in to the SBARC Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM or 2000 Hrs  and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the Technical Mentoring and Elmering net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – June 25, 2015

The timestamps below are best followed by downloading the Mp3 file here and listening with Windows Media Player. The Technical Mentoring and Elmering net on Thursday, June 25th had 10 check-ins plus net control Dave (K6HWN). There were no questions waiting this evening so Shackmaster Dave kicked in his professional net control skills and brought up a discussion regarding circulators which are deployed in repeater systems. In loosely explained terms a circulator keeps unwanted signals from being transmitted over the repeater and are routed to a dummy load where they are dissipated. Please listen here to a very interesting discussion here starting at 12:20 on the Windows Media Player time stamp. Tune in to the SBARC Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM or 2000 Hrs  and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the Technical Mentoring and Elmering net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – Thursday June 18, 2015

The timestamps below are best followed by downloading the Mp3 file here and listening with Windows Media Player. The Technical Mentoring and Elmering net on Thursday, June 18th had 10 check-ins plus net control Dave (K6HWN). Discussions included: 00:12:00 Shackmaster Dave’s thought experiment/idea that of someone in Santa Barbara with a good gain antenna on the roof for 2 Meters terminated in a 50 ohm resistor or germanium diode. And, if they had the ability to feed into that diode at will when they flip the switch on or off, a signal of .81 MHz pure sine wave from an audio generator. With that set up and the .81 MHz signal was turned on, what would happen or be heard? Listen to the discussion and thoughts here. 00:24:20 Brian (K6BPM) had a question that when he is transmitting via RMS Express radio e-mail program ( on 40 Meters the signal can be heard when he’s transmitting at the same time on 2 Meters, specifically the K6TZ repeater! The other hams listening to the net on 2 Meters could hear this artifact through their 2 M rigs speaker as far away from Santa Barbara as Port Hueneme while Brian was transmitting.  Hear some thoughts regarding this phenomenon here. 00:35:00 I (K6FLD) asked Dennis (WB6OBB) if he had ever heard anything like my in-wall noise issue when I transmit on certain HF frequencies with my new end-fed antenna. I sounds like a loud hum emanating from the walls in the house and if the hair dryer is plugged in, the plug with GFI rattles like crazy and trips the GFI! Hear more about that here. As I mentioned before, you can listen to the entire audio archive or go to the approximate time stamp listed at the beginning of each subject. It’s most accurate if you download the .mp3 audio file and play it in Windows Media Player or similar program. Tune in to the SBARC Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM or 2000 Hrs  and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the Technical Mentoring and Elmering net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

Technical Elmering and Mentoring Net – Thursday June 11, 2015

The Technical Mentoring and Elmering for Thursday, June 11th had 9 check-ins plus net control Dave (K6HWN). Discussions included Hayden’s (KK6OYV) fractional wave antenna construction progress and he’s promised to take pictures of the different stages and share them on his website when it’s up and running. Jim (KK6SXB) added to the conversation stating that there are magnetic loop and Faraday loop antennas but the fractional wave antenna gets its name because of the helically wound copper strapping that surrounds it. I (K6FLD) had a question about why there were different types of amplifiers to consider when choosing one for the different ham bands we might operate on. Shackmaster (K6HWN) explained that for VHF and above its handed a little differently as it’s not practical to tune for the different bands. The amplifiers are made specific to the VHF/UHF bands and there’s just not that much need tune because the bands are relatively close in frequency. For HF 160-10 meters maybe even 6 meters you will need to tune your amplifier as often as your antenna for the bands. Also of you’re operating SSB the amplifier needs to be a linear amp, not so if just FM. You can listen to the audio archive of the net here. Tune in to the SBARC Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM or 2000 Hrs  and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the Technical Mentoring and Elmering net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 06/04/2015

Note:  The timestamps listed below are best followed by downloading the Mp3 file here and listening with Windows Media Player or similar program. The Technical Mentoring and Elmering net on Thursday, June 4th yielded 11 check-ins plus net control Dave (K6HWN). 00:08:40 – Gary (KK6KPJ) started the net off with a question about a simple to use 2 m radio without all the bells and whistles. He’s not interested in programming frequencies and memory channels. Several comments were made by Hayden (KK6OYV) and Shackmaster Dave (K6HWN) confirmed Hayden’s point of view that the older the radio the fewer advanced features it’ll have and he mentioned a couple of Yeasu that might work. 00:24:03 – Eric (KG6WXC) wondered how the club station could have so many different radios in use and not interfere with each other. Shackmaster explained that with the casual type of operating done at the station, a really good grounding system, and the antennas in different places that the radios pretty much stayed clear of one another. 00:27:40 – Shackmaster asked Glen (WZ) more about his setup and somehow connecting Lompoc hams to Santa Barbara hams and allowing them to listen in to our nets and communicate with us, etc. Glen has a 220 beam antenna and a new radio at 50 watts and he beams solidly into 224.08. Glen mentioned that he hadn’t had time to consult with some of the local hams there but would at the next club meeting coming up this Saturday so the discussion will continue down the road. 00:31:05 – Ken (KA6KEN) asked questions about using an amplifier in conjunction with a tuner and the procedures necessary to keep the antenna and amplifier tuned as he might transgress the different amateur bands. A lot of valuable information can be learned about this and related subjects including the different types of amplifiers by listening to the audio recording of the net here. 01:00:40 – Gary (KK6KPJ) asked about using an antenna tuner with 2 m radios, say if the antenna were up at 30 ft. or so. Shackmaster has never known or heard of a 2 m antenna tuner. The frequency difference from one end of the band to the other is quite small as compared to HF frequencies so there’s no need to re-tune as you spin the VFO around. You’d pretty much just set it up correctly on the bench, mount… Continue reading

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – May 28, 2015

The Technical Mentoring and Elmering net on Thursday 5/28/15 yielded 9 check-ins plus net control Dave (K6HWN). The timestamps below are best followed by downloading the Mp3 file here and listening with Windows Media Player. 00:08:00 – Jim (KK6SXB) started the net off asking questions of Brian (K6BPM) regarding setting up for digital modes. It seems that Jim has recently acquired two devices (SDRplay and Airspy boxes) that he’d like to use in setting up the ability to use digital ham radio modes with his computer. The HDSDR software he also acquired along with the correct supporting driver software will display 8+ MHz of any band on the computer screen giving you visibility of any signal there. So basically what he’s purchased should get him receiver and display capability but to actually practice digital modes on ham radio I believe he’d be lacking some other required components and setup. 00:13:45 – Brian (K6BPM) began by trying to understand the two devices and interpret what Jim is trying to accomplish. Most digital mode software out there requires a sound device that can handle input and output to act as a mic and speakers. The conversation was joined by Levi (K6LCM) and Eric (K6HMD) and all had comments and ideas about digital modes basics and how Jim might get the results he’s looking for. You can listen to or download the audio for the net here. Tune in to the SBARC Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM or 2000 Hrs  and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the Technical Mentoring and Elmering net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.