Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – Thursday April 21, 2016

The audio archive can best followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. Tonight’s net had 7 check-ins and some chat room visitors, Levi (K6LCM) was net control. Topics discussed were: Repeater courtesy tone, what is it and how is it used? (Current stand in K6TZ repeater doesn’t have one). What are the extra characters being transmitted in the repeater CW ID? Continental Bio-Fuel airplane trip from Rhode Island to Santa Monica. Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the TM&E net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – Thursday April 14, 2016

The audio archive can best followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. Tonight’s net had 9 Check-ins plus net control, Frank (K6FLD). Topics discussed were: RG8U Coax, is it 50Ω and how can you check to be sure? Single Loop Antenna, what gauge wire should be used to ground the rotor control box, linear amp, etc.? Why am I hearing the remote base at USCB ID over the K6TZ frequency? Mesh networking and two 90º antennas, will they interfere with each other? Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the TM&E net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – February 4, 2016

The audio archive can best followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. We had another good net tonight with 12 check-ins including net control, Brian K6BPM and some chat room visitors! Tonight’s subjects included: James, KK6ZTP and his new Heil HTH microphone ($30.00) with his Yaesu FT-60R. Using stubbed ground radials for a vertical antenna. Congress’ vote/sponsors of home owners associations and ham radio antennas. Yaesu FT-897 & tuning increments (fast mode?). Echolink Repeaters in our area and talks about AllStar, IRLP, and Winsystem. Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the TM&E net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – January 28, 2016

The audio archive can best followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. We had another good net tonight with 12 check-ins including net control (Ken – KA6KEN), and some chat room visitors! Tonight’s subjects included: Amateur Radio Mesh Networks – What are they and how do they work? HF Antenna building using a rain gutter. Dipole Antennas. Baluns. Why is 455 the most used IF? Monitoring of cargo ships and tracking vessels in the Santa Barbara harbor. Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the TM&E net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – January 21, 2016

The audio archive can best followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. We had yet another good net tonight with 14 check-ins including 2 new hams, net control (Levi, K6LCM), and some chat room visitors! Tonight’s subjects included: What does resonant circuit mean when related to LC circuits and what has to happen to make them resonate. Which HTs are available that are not too expensive and easy to use. Stealth antennas for apartment, condo, townhouse and HOA considerations. Alpha military antennas. Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the TM&E net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – January 14, 2016

The audio archive can best followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. We had yet another good net tonight with 9 check-ins, net control (Frank, K6FLD), and some chat room visitors! Tonight’s subjects included: Repeaters in our area, any lists of them available for programming your radio. Emergency communications practiced in the area by SBARC and ARES. SBARC Rover communications and mobile repeater. Digital modes. Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the TM&E net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – January 7, 2016

The audio archive can best followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. Tonight’s net was another interesting one with 12 check-ins and net controller Brian (K6BPM). Topics included: Testing any battery back up or emergency power equipment you may have and making sure it will come on-line if needed. West Mountain Radio products for switching from DC power supply to battery automatically when commercial power goes out as well as products that keep your battery charged to optimum levels when not being used. West Mountain Radio products offer a turn-key solution for back up battery solutions and monitoring. Levi’s (K6LCM) project. Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the TM&E net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.