For Sale – Icom ICR-71A HF Receiver
Icom ICR-71A general coverage HF receiver. Covers 100 kHz to 30 mHz. It has been tested and works well. Value priced at $300 and all proceeds go to SBARC. Contact Dave – K9KBX at 805-896-8823.
Icom ICR-71A general coverage HF receiver. Covers 100 kHz to 30 mHz. It has been tested and works well. Value priced at $300 and all proceeds go to SBARC. Contact Dave – K9KBX at 805-896-8823.
Antenna tuner wanted. Will pay according to its value. 300 watts is fine. Contact Ken – KA6KEN at 805-685-2030 or
A sale of donated test equipment and other misc. equipment will take place on Saturday, May 9 between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm. The sale will include oscilloscopes, audio test equipment, and other misc. items from the 50’s through 70’s. The sale will take place in Goleta at the 907 South Kellogg where the Sunday Swap Meet is held. All proceeds will benefit SBARC. Help is also needed to load and unload items, so if you can spare a little time to help out, please contact Dave – K9KBX at 805-896-8823. Post expires at 1:00am on Sunday May 10th, 2015 but will still be available in the archives.
Equipment of all sorts are available for loan or rent. Contact Darryl, KF6DI, or by phone at 805 969 2326.,
Heathkit model SB220 linear amplifier. 50-70 watt input, 1 kw watt output. 10, 15, 20 40, and 80 meters only. Requires 220v power. Uses vacuum tubes, works well, and has not been stressed during its’ long life. It is a very well built kit and built to last. Asking $600 or offer. Contact Dennis WB6OBB on the air on the 146.79 or 147.000 repeaters. You can also call Dennis at 805-966-7060 or send email to
100 candle power bright white 35 ma LEDs for sale. Enough for a small flashlight. Any donation accepted. Contact Darryl, KF6DI, or by phone at 805 969 2326.,
Item 1: RF amplifier for HF covers 80m to 10m (probably WARC bands too). Included most of the parts for a power supply – 1500v to 2000v 600ma. Has four 811A tubes. 700 watt output. Home-brew built by an expert using top quality components. $100 or best offer. SOLD Item 2: General coverage receiver Hallicrafters S-40B. This is vintage 1950’s and has 10 tubes. Bandspread dial, and general coverage up t0 40m. Asking $50 SOLD Item 3: Antique radio similar to Atwater Kent. Well built from a kit. Includes breadboard and panel only. Has five tubes plus spares. $50 or best offer. Contact Steve AC6T by email at or by phone at 805-967-7485 Post expires at 6:55pm on Wednesday January 13th, 2016 but will still be available in the archives.