For Sale : Pair of Quadcopters for Racing & Arial Photography – Ready to Fly
Sold – 10/29/2015 Two quadcopters, both of which are well made and in very good condition. The first, a Q450 was built for photography and has a 20 minute flight time. The second, a ZMR250 is a racing quadcopter that can travel in excess of 45 mph – it is equipped with a First Person View setup which live-streams video to goggles so the pilot can have a direct view of where the drone is going. The larger drone has been used to deploy a cross band repeater. From a few different tests, the repeater has worked very well when up in the sky. The smaller drone uses the 5.8ghz, ham radio band to live stream video back to the pilot. The seller is listing everything as a set and is not open to splitting the items up. Asking $550 OBO Contact : Haydn – KK6OYV – Click on the “Read more…” link to get a complete part list of the set.