2023 SBARC Picnic – A Few Photos!

My highlight this past weekend was going to the SBARC picnic on Sunday.  On my drive up it was raining in a few spots and I was worried we would be dealing with the wetness, but the weather ended up being really nice. Good to see and chat with everyone in person – it’s been a while. I should  have taken more photos, but here’s a few that I did take. Dave – AI6VX

SBARC Summer Potluck Barbecue – September 10th 2023

We’re back on for this weekend! You are invited to join us for a good old fashioned summertime potluck barbecue. SBARC will host this years get-together at Stow Grove Park on La Patera Lane in Goleta just before it intersects Cathedral Oaks Rd. We will be in Area 3 This once-a-year SBARC event will be held on September 10, 2023, from 10:00 AM until 2:30 PM.  SBARC will supply delicious 1/3 lb. hamburgers and cheeseburgers with all the fixings for all SBARC members and their immediate families. For non-members, burgers will be $5 each. You are welcome to bring your own beverages and we will have cold sodas and water available for $1. Since this is a potluck, we are encouraging everyone to bring something to share. You can bring a salad, potato chips, beans, hot dish, cookies or other desert, whatever you like and whatever you have time for. We hope you will join us for a relaxing meal and take the time to catch up with old friends. Of course, we can always use a little help setting things up before the event and cleaning things up afterwards. If you have a little time we would surely appreciate your help. Please RSVP so we know how much food to buy. Call our message line at 805-456-K6TZ (456-5689) or send a message through our Contact Us link and let us know if you are attending and how many people you will be bringing. Hope to see you there! Post expires at 1:05am on Monday September 11th, 2023 but will still be available in the archives.

SBARC Club Meeting – August 18, 2023

General Club Meeting – August, 18 2023 This month we are going to have a presentation from board member Dave AI6VX. Printed Circuit Board Layout and Fabrication Dave Schmidt AI6VX will talk about printed circuit board design including creating the schematic, circuit layout using Kicad, and fabrication and how to order online. It’s not as hard as you think! SBARC General Club Meeting Friday, August 18, 2023 at 7:30 PM (Doors open at 7pm) Goleta Union School District Board Room 401 North Fairview Avenue in Goleta Zoom Details: Topic: SBARC General Club Meeting Time: August 18, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87271784684?pwd=ZWlzd0I1enF3Sy8wOUhHVUsrclRZQT09 Meeting ID: 872 7178 4684 – Passcode: 568466 Post expires at 11:15pm on Friday August 18th, 2023 but will still be available in the archives.

General Club Meeting – July 21, 2023

Last month we will had a presentation from Steve Waterman K4CJX about the SHARES program. The counterpoint of the SHARES program is Winlink, so this meeting we’re are going to learn a little more about it. Winlink has become the de-facto standard for emcomm groups everywhere. It allows you to send and receive email messages using HF or VHF radio. This meeting will serve as an introduction to Winlink, what you need to use it, and how it works. We’ll get into more details about operation at a later meeting. This is an in person meeting and will also be available on Zoom and YouTube. SBARC General Club Meeting Friday, July 21, 2023 at 7:30 PM (Doors open at 7pm) Goleta Union School District Board Room 401 North Fairview Avenue in Goleta Zoom Details:  Topic: SBARC General Club Meeting – July 21, 2023 Time: July 21, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time  Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82807008137?pwd=dzhEL1BUTnNOK3FwL0RVdnRUdzA3UT09 Meeting ID: 828 0700 8137 – Passcode: 325046   Post expires at 1:00am on Saturday July 22nd, 2023 but will still be available in the archives.

General Club Meeting – June 16, 2023

This month we will have a presentation from Steve Waterman K4CJX. Steve is going to talk to us about the SHARES program. The SHARES (DHS CISA) high frequency (HF) radio program provides an extremely resilient means for users with a national security and emergency preparedness mission to inter-operably communicate when landline/cellular communications and the internet are unavailable. SHARES member agencies use existing HF radio resources to coordinate and transmit messages needed to perform critical functions, including those areas related to leadership, safety, maintenance of law and order, finance, and public health. SHARES provides the “E” in PACE (primary, alternate, contingency, emergency) planning for communications. About Steve Waterman: “Officially” retired (from network design/consulting company) Williamson County, TN – COMU Reserve Tennessee Emergency Management Agency COMU/ESC Active Member: FEMA RECCWG R, 4, 5, 10 FEMA R4 RECCWG AuxComm Subcommittee, Chair Co-Founder of Winlink: Immediate past president of ARSFI (non-profit that funds/runs Winlink operations) Currently on ARSFI BOD & Winlink Development Team Winlink Administrator for all services HANDOUTS – Be sure to download BEFORE the meeting! Meeting Handout: https://sbarc.org/Downloads/handout-6-23.pdf SHARES program Article:  https://sbarc.org/Downloads/shares_program.pdf For More Information, visit the SHARES Website: Click Here   This is an in person meeting and will also be available on Zoom and YouTube. SBARC General Club Meeting Friday, June 16, 2023 at 7:30 PM (Doors open at 7pm) Goleta Union School District Board Room 401 North Fairview Avenue in Goleta Zoom Details:  Topic: SBARC General Club Meeting – June 16, 2023 Time: June 16, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time  Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89047716328?pwd=QkNFR3hSRFdnLzFYMmMrcG8yN2NtZz09 Meeting ID: 890 4771 6328 – Passcode: 739530   Post expires at 11:00pm on Friday June 16th, 2023 but will still be available in the archives.

Ham swap meet, June 17th, in Santa Maria

 June 17, 2023  Saturday of Father’s Day Weekend Newlove Picnic Grounds, Orcutt Hill   GPS: 34˚ 50’ 40.6 ” N, 120˚ 22’ 42.8 ” Turn off Hwy 101 southbound 1.8 mi. south of Clark Ave., Orcutt. (Just past yellow sign). Admission & Parking: FREE Talk-in: 145.14 (-) PL131.8 Hours: 9:00 AM, till 3:00 PM Prize drawing  12 Noon, tickets: $1 each at the fest Swap Tables Available $20.00, Tailgate sellers welcome $20.00: (limited number) HF station you can use. Stop by, make a contact or two. Technicians, try out HF. T-hunt if available, TBD: On-foot