As a result of the retirement of Dave – K6HWN, I recently volunteered to take on the Wednesday night Swap Net duties. The Swap Net comes on every Wednesday night at 8:00 pm after the Club Net. Then Hayden – KK6OYV, expressed an interest in helping with the nets, so now I share this responsibility with him. We trade off every other week. I get to the 146.79 K6TZ repeater using the remote link through the 224.08 repeater on La Cumbre peak. My only 1.25 meter radio is a 5 watt HT from Wouxon, model KG-UVD1P. Ok, so why this article? If you were listening to my net control debut last November 25, 2015 you would have heard a very well prepared novice net control operator. For about 20 minutes. Unlike most other nets, the Swap Net is a net that has the control operator reading for 30 minutes, with occasional breaks for other traffic. That means I was asking my little hand held to do the job of a base station with all its heat sinks and fans and the like. It did not like that one bit and expressed its displeasure by shutting down due to overheating. I was frantic trying to figure out what to do. To those listening, I just went silent in mid sentence. So, I had a choice. I could go out and buy another mobile radio that covers 1.25 meters for about $150 to $250 or figure out a way to cool my little HT. Since I’m trying to scrape up the money for a decent antenna analyzer, I decided to try to stretch my radio’s capacity for handling excess heat. I had a “battery saver” device from Wouxun that allows me to plug the radio into a cigarette lighter socket. It was already becoming unusable because overheating caused warping of the plastic that supports the contacts. This device supplies 12 volts to a circuit that converts 12 volts to 8 volts as well as conditioning to protect the radio. Computer CPU fans use 12 volts DC to run them. When I remove the battery from the radio there is a big magnesium body with two power connectors and several labels. So, I thought a big heat sink and fan stuck on the back might do the job. So, off to the local computer repair store to look for parts. CompuWest on Hollister,… Continue reading →