Science and Engineering Council October Meeting

See meal choices below. Please reserve now, choose your meal, and pay now by PayPal or credit card, or pay at the door with cash or check.SEC meets at the High Sierra Grill, 521 Firestone Road — off Hollister Avenue just west of Fairview.  Click – use the Scholarship Donation Feature,  and join SEC as a member 10-11-17 Smarter Sensors and Wearable Devices for Medicine When Wednesday, October 11, 2017 from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM PDT Add to Calendar Where High Sierra Grill in Goleta 521 Firestone Road Goleta, CA 93111 Driving Directions Like us on Facebook Join our LinkedIn group Our October Presentation:  Digital medicine and big data are the hot words these days. However, digital medicine is only as good as the data it uses, and the data can only be as good as the sensor that provides it. Dr. Sumita Pennathur will present her lab’s latest work on biosensor research and development, ranging from nanofluidic in-vitro diagnostics of viruses to wearable devices for glucose monitoring, which is an important new passion of hers given her daughter’s recent diagnosis of Type I diabetes. Our Speaker:  Dr. Sumita Pennathur received her B.S. and M.S. in Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering from MIT and her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford. Prior to joining UCSB in 2007, she performed postdoctoral studies at both Sandia National Laboratories and University of Twente. Since arriving at UCSB, Pennathur has contributed significantly to the fields of nanofluidics and interfacial science. She has pushed the envelope in characterization of nanofluidic channels. Furthermore, she has discovered novel nanoscale concentration mechanisms that focus analytes within nanofluidic channels and has demonstrated unique separations of various biomolecules. Finally, she has developed a novel fabrication process for on-chip detection of biomolecules, which has the potential to revolutionize bio-analytical devices. In addition to her over 60 publications, her notable awards include the DARPA Young Faculty Award (2008), the UC Regents Junior Faculty Fellowship (2009), and the PECASE (Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering) (2010), and the Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce Innovator of the Quarter Award (2012). Please RSVP by the Monday before the meeting: A reservation allows SEC to provide the restaurant an accurate guarantee of meal amounts and results in faster service. When reserving, make a meal choice. You can pay in advance by credit card or at the door with check or cash. Remember you are always welcome as a… Continue reading

Science and Engineering Council of Santa Barbara Open Meeting

Here is something interesting that may interest some of our engineering oriented members. The Science and Engineering Council of Santa Barbara has regular monthly luncheons that are open to the public. The luncheons are held at the High Sierra Restaurant (old Elephant Bar). The SEC is a group of engineers and scientists that are active in the local area. Activities include: Monthly Luncheon Programs which provide a forum for presentation of topics of interest, and a opportunity for meeting fellow engineers, scientists, and business professionals. Compilation of a Technical Services Directory of SEC members. Monetary awards, certificates and trophies to Science Fair winners in all divisions with presentation by winners at the April SEC Luncheon. Sponsorship of Scholarships for local college students in the sciences. The scholarships are funded through the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara. Join SEC on Facebook or LinkedIn (SEC membership not required).  

SBARC Annual Bazaar – Saturday July 22, 2017

This year our Annual Bazaar will be hosted by Santa Barbara Electronics Supply. Come look at all the cool electronics gear and accessories your local amateur radio club is selling! Support our public service efforts and emergency communications infrastructure! When: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, July 22 2017 Where: Santa Barbara Electronics Supply, 1503 Cook Place, Santa Barbara, CA Located behind the Airport Control tower, on the ocean side of Hollister All proceeds benefit the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club, a 501(c)(3) non-profit public benefit corporation which operates solely on member dues and contributions from the community. We are a wonderful community of helpful people, and we (and Santa Barbara Electronics Supply) appreciate everything you can do to support us!   Post expires at 12:00pm on Saturday July 22nd, 2017 but will still be available in the archives.

July General Meeting: DMR Radio Presentation

SBARC General Club Meeting Friday, July 21, 2017 @ 7:30 PM 401 N. Fairview Ave. in Goleta Imagine sitting in your living room using an inexpensive hand-held radio and making crystal-clear, static-free contacts throughout California, the United States, and the WORLD! This is not only possible, but it’s easy to do using Digital Mobile Radio (DMR). And, we’re doing this now, right here in Santa Barbara! This month, SBARC hosts a special presentation by Michael Rickey, AF6FB on the new and quickly growing DMR digital voice mode. Michael will give us a demonstration on how DMR works and explain how the PAPA system is supporting a build-out of DMR repeaters in Southern California, making it easy to stay connected to the network throughout our region. DMR is unlike most other digital voice modes used on VHF/UHF FM in amateur radio as it is supported by several major radio manufacturers including several low-cost imports commonly used by amateurs. You can click here for quality industrial products at fair rates to ease your manufacturing process. DMR networks can be accessed from repeaters here in Santa Barbara and also through home-brew and professionally built hotspots. You can get on the air with DMR with a Tytera MD-380 HT for as little as $80 and access thousands of talk-groups around the world and even chat with fellow SB hams dabbling in digital on our very own SBARC DMR talk-group. Most DMR repeaters can access the same talk-groups available on any other repeater. So no mater where you travel, you can radio home. DMR also uses TDMA to support multiple users per FM repeater pair and at 12.5 kHz wide, it is far more efficient than traditional analog wide-band FM. We will be raffling off a BRAND NEW TYT MD-380 DMR radio. Someone will go home with this on meeting night, so come early and buy your tickets! SBARC General Club Meetings are held at the Goleta Union School District, 401 N. Fairview Ave. in Goleta, right across the street from the Goleta Library. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the meeting starts at 7:30 PM. Put the date on your calendar and bring a guest!

Whittier Fire Operations

As a reminder, all amateurs are welcome to participate in ongoing discussion about the Whittier Fire on SBARC repeaters. Please keep transmissions short (less than 10-15 seconds) unless you have urgent traffic. Always yield to stations with urgent traffic and leave long pauses between transmissions for breaking stations. The County of Santa Barbara is posting official updates on the Whittier Fire on its website. Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club repeaters on Santa Ynez Peak remain on the air. The 145.180 MHz repeater on Santa Ynez Peak is presently linked to 146.790 MHz on the Santa Barbara Mesa. These linked repeaters are functioning as the club’s main channel for communications related to the fire. For live updates from radio amateurs observing the fire and monitoring emergency frequencies around the county, listen to a live audio stream of SBARC’s linked repeaters. Air Command tactical frequencies with local air tanker traffic: These frequencies are simplex so an external antenna will help with reception. Air Tac 02: 169.150 MHz FM Air Tac 05: 167.950 MHz FM – Levi, K6LCM

Field Day 2017

SBARC will be holding our Field Day exercise beginning Saturday, June 24th at the Club Station at the Santa Barbara American Red Cross headquarters on the corner of State Street and Alamar. The Club Station will open at 9am and remain open as long as there are Field Day participants. We have various capabilities available including HF and digital modes. If there are enough participants, we may also set up the Rover and add some additional capabilities there too. Please come by, stay awhile and make some contacts. If you haven’t been to the Club Station before, it is on the parking lot level in the rear of the main building. You enter the parking lot on Alamar. Post expires at 12:00pm on Sunday June 25th, 2017 but will still be available in the archives.

General Club Meeting – June 16, 2016

We’ve had difficulty getting  presenter this month because of vacations etc, so we’re going to have a couple of demonstrations of new things we have added to our repeaters and infrastructure. We’ll also have plenty of time for general Q&A, suggestions, ideas, whatever. So come and be heard! We hold SBARC Club Meetings at the Goleta Union School District, 401 N. Fairview Ave. in Goleta, right across the street from the Goleta Library. Doors open at 7:15 PM and the meeting starts at 7:30 PM. Bring a guest! Post expires at 11:00pm on Friday June 16th, 2017 but will still be available in the archives.