Merry Christmas from SBARC
On behalf of myself and the SBARC Board of Directors, I would like to wish all our members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We have excited grandkids coming to our house and will have a house full of family all weekend. Hopefully you will all enjoy your holidays as much as I hope to. In a few days, we’ll be starting our 99th year as a club. And, in just one year, SBARC will be celebrating its’ 100th anniversary. There are not many organizations of any kind that can claim that. We’ll be adding a new continuing agenda item for board and general meetings in 2019 for planning our 100th anniversary activities. We already have several ideas and will be soliciting ideas from our members. One of our ideas is to resurrect Key-Kilx for a special 100th Anniversary Edition. We’re hoping we can get a lot of our members to contribute stories or articles about notable members or events from the days of SBARC past. This will be a time for honoring and remembering all those that have contributed to SBARC’s success and longevity over its’ long history. So please think about some way you can contribute in the coming year! Once again, you all have my best wishes for this holiday season and the coming year. We’ll see you all in January! Brian Milburn – K6BPM President – Santa Barbara Amateur Radio CLub Post expires at 6:07am on Wednesday January 2nd, 2019 but will still be available in the archives.