SBARC and SB Library contact the International Space Station
On July 3, 2019, with the help of the Santa Barbara Amatuer Radio Club volunteers including satellite station operators Ken N6KTH and Calli KD6OVS, children at the Santa Barbara Public Library talked to Astronaut Nick Hague on the International Space Station as part of the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program. SBARC is supporting the Santa Barbara Public Library’s participation in the ARISS program as part of the library’s comprehensive STEAM programming for upper elementary and junior high students. The ARISS event ties into the Summer Reading Program theme: Choose Adventure in Outer Space. The Santa Barbara Public Library endeavors to provide equal opportunities to all community members to learn about science, space travel, and careers in many fields that utilize these technologies, particularly in light of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing this summer. As part of the space-themed program, SBARC will host a special licensing event on Saturday, July 20, 2019: Amateur Radio Technician Class License “Cram ‘n’ Exam” Saturday, July 20, 2019 – 10:30 AM – 3:30 PM @ Santa Barbara Public Library Join us to prepare for the amateur radio Technician Class license exam and then stick around after lunch for a specially scheduled test session. Cram is free and open to all ages. There is a $15 fee (check or cash) to sit for the exam. IMPORTANT: The “Cram ‘n’ Exam” session is not intended to replace advance preparation for the Technician Class amateur radio license exam. During the cram portion, we will spend a couple hours in the morning (10:30am – 12:30pm) answering questions about the material and helping folks with trouble areas in the material before the test begins at 1:30pm. However, one morning of cramming can’t replace studying the test material in depth. We can assist you with strategies for passing the exam but you’ll need to prepare and study for the exam in advance. Please consider reviewing the exam preparation resources and information and taking a few practice tests online before we meet on Saturday. Also, be sure you come with everything you need to sit for the exam. Here are the items that you are required to have with you in order to take the exam. If you are missing any of these items you may not be able to sit for the test.