Well, the stay-at-home order is STILL in effect, so we’re going to do our club meeting live using ZOOM like we did last month. This month we’ll be hearing from a special guest. Andy Seybold W6AMS Public Safety Communications Consultant Andy will be speaking on Public Safety Communication Advances and the Three Flavors of 5G. Andy is the go-to guy for all things radio. You won’t want to miss this! You will have two easy ways to attend the meeting. Using an online meeting program called Zoom. Visiting a live YouTube feed. If you choose the Zoom option, you need a computer with a camera. You can also use a smartphone or a tablet. You will be able to participate in any discussion or ask questions. We’ll be able to see you, so if you want to speak, simply raise your hand and I’ll recognize you. If you choose the YouTube option, you will be able to view and hear the meeting but you will not be able to directly participate. We’re going to ask you to check back on the front page of the SBARC website about 7:00pm on Friday. We won’t know the exact links until we open the meeting, and we’ll post them here. We hope you will participate! Remember, visit https://www.sbarc.org about 7:00 pm or a little after for final instructions. The actual meeting will start at 7:30. Brian – K6BPM Post expires at 1:03am on Saturday May 16th, 2020 but will still be available in the archives.