June 2020 General Club Meeting – Bill Talanian, W1UUQ Showcases the Telecom Systems at Santa Ynez Peak

 SBARC trustee Bill Talanian, W1UUQ gave us a fascinating presentation about the SBARC telecommunications systems at Santa Ynez Peak. He has numerous photographs showed work performed at the site. Few of us have had the opportunity to see what goes on at this major repeater site, but Bill knows all! His vast historical knowledge of our local repeater sites is always interesting and informative!

General Club Meeting – June 19, 2020

We will be meeting via ZOOM video chat again this meeting. During this meeting Bill Talanian, W1UUQ is going to give us a presentation about Santa Ynez Peak. He has numerous photographs to share covering work performed at the site. Few of us have had the opportunity to see what goes on at this major repeater site, but Bill knows all! His vast historical knowledge of our local repeater sites is always interesting and informative! We will be posting details here on the meeting date approximately one half hour before the meeting starts at 7:30. So please check back then! Post expires at 11:36pm on Saturday June 20th, 2020 but will still be available in the archives.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 6/11/2020

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. We had another interesting net tonight with 7 check-ins plus net control Frank, K6FLD. Tonight’s topics included: Possible ham testing opportunities during the COVID-19 event by appointment – Contact KJ6OIL@arrl.net, Tim in Lompoc for more information. PSK31 question on General exam. Restoring Heathkit SB200 power amp. Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week and join in with questions and /or answers and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

General Club Meeting – May 15, 2020 Will Be Live On-line

Well, the stay-at-home order is STILL in effect, so we’re going to do our club meeting live using ZOOM like we did last month. This month we’ll be hearing from a special guest. Andy Seybold W6AMS Public Safety Communications Consultant Andy will be speaking on Public Safety Communication Advances and the Three Flavors of 5G. Andy is the go-to guy for all things radio. You won’t want to miss this! You will have two easy ways to attend the meeting. Using an online meeting program called Zoom. Visiting a live YouTube feed. If you choose the Zoom option, you need a computer with a camera. You can also use a smartphone or a tablet. You will be able to participate in any discussion or ask questions. We’ll be able to see you, so if you want to speak, simply raise your hand and I’ll recognize you. If you choose the YouTube option, you will be able to view and hear the meeting but you will not be able to directly participate. We’re going to ask you to check back on the front page of the SBARC website about 7:00pm on Friday. We won’t know the exact links until we open the meeting, and we’ll post them here. We hope you will participate! Remember, visit https://www.sbarc.org about 7:00 pm or a little after for final instructions. The actual meeting will start at 7:30. Brian – K6BPM   Post expires at 1:03am on Saturday May 16th, 2020 but will still be available in the archives.

Diablo Peak Upgrades

The two amateur radio repeater systems at Diablo Peak on Santa Cruz Island were recently upgraded. A four man team and two pilots departed SB Airport aboard a twin engine Huey helicopter to repair a critical Public Safety SAR repeater. The problem was isolated and the system restored to service. There was sufficient time to finally install a repeater control system in the amateur radio rack. We now have control of 223.92 and 146.655 repeaters. The two SBARC systems are interconnected both ways on a trial basis. Additional site infrastructure repair and upgrades were also accomplished including installation of a new wind sock and a rather unusual wind speed and direction indicator which I call Wayne’s Vane. The wind vane may be seen using the club’s webcam. If we were to take a boat to the Island and climb the hill then return by boat it would be a three day journey and a logistical nightmare. Sure nice when you can load out at the airport and you’re there in 20 minutes. Thanks to those who made it happen. Winds were high all day prompting a late departure. Thanks to Wayne Beckman, Jonah Blossom, and Matt Lechliter for a clean sweep day. The K6TZ 223.92 repeater is a brand new commercial Tait Repeater (New Zealand) donated by Andy Seybold, W6AMS. The two-meter repeater is a commercial grade Motorola Quantar owned by SBARC and operates on 146.655 MHz. The two-meter frequency coordination is held by W6XC of the Seaside Radio Association which is an arm of the GRONK Radio Network. A new RLC Club Repeater controller was recently added to enable a cross connect and control between the two repeater systems. In addition all DC power systems from the site 24 volt solar grid and battery distribution were upgraded with 12 volt Inverters and redundant isolation. Both systems enjoy wide primary coverage from Point Conception to Malibu along the coastline, and many areas inland. The 220MHz system has secondary coverage as far south as San Diego including inland areas of Los Angeles and Orange County. The two-meter repeater on 146.655 is co-channeled with a Los Angeles area repeater. Per agreement, two-meter repeater operations on 146.655 should not communicate with user stations East of Malibu. Both repeaters are normally cross-connected. This can be reconfigured as needed. The two-meter repeater also supports local P25 digital communications. Contact Matt Lechliter, W6XC, for P25 operational… Continue reading