Ham Bootcamp helps new hams get on the air

Featured in the October 2020 QST magazine, Ham Bootcamp is a series of demonstrations and tutorials sponsored by the Nashua (N.H.) Area Radio Society designed to help newly licensed Technician, General, and Extra class license holders get on the air and use their amateur radio license. Bootcamp is also a great opportunity for prospective Hams who are interested in seeing what the hobby has to offer. Despite the limitations imposed in light of covid-19, Ham Bootcamp continues in an online format. The Ham Bootcamp online program is available to all licensed and prospective Hams in North America. Visit the Nashua Area Radio Society website to register!

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 9/24/2020

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. We had another interesting net tonight with 13 check-ins plus net control Ken, KA6KEN. Tonight’s topics included: SWR issues from last weeks net resolved (wrong type of meter). Why are DC power supplies external rather than internal in most ham radios? Repeater voter circuitry. Net on Papa system. Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.

General Club Meeting – September 18, 2020

We are still ZOOMing for club meetings. It seems likely we’ll still be meeting this way for the foreseeable future. On the one hand ZOOM meetings don’t allow the personal interaction we enjoy at “real” meetings, but on the other hand, a lot of members who cannot attend regular meetings ARE able to participate in the ZOOM meetings.  When we return to having in-person meetings again, I think we will also integrate ZOOM into the picture so more members can join in on the fun. This month we have some club business to talk about. There are some changes, new projects, and we have an election coming up in November. We’ll talk about the latest club news, and I’ll explain how we are going to conduct the election. I am also going to do a presentation on using the HF digital mode, FT8. This an extremely popular mode and is packed with users all day and night. It is very similar to JT65 but much faster. You can really rack up contacts quickly. Please check back on this website around 7pm on meeting night. As we have done in the past, we’ll post the ZOOM and YouTube links. See you then and 73! Brian – K6BPM Post expires at 9:30pm on Friday September 18th, 2020 but will still be available in the archives.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 8/6/2020

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. We had another interesting net tonight with 5 check-ins plus net control Brian, K6BPM. Tonight’s topics included: Hamvoip and sound card for your own Allstar node. Bob’s, AC6PJ story about his satellite downlink + Space Shuttle experience.  Bob’s, AC6PJ informational about Americium, radioactive atomic element #95 in smoke detectors. Moon bounce operations (also next club meeting presentation). Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.

General Club Meeting – July 17, 2020 – The BIG ONE, How to Prepare

We will be once again meeting via ZOOM this month. We will be having an original presentation on Earthquake Preparation prepared for the Coachella Valley area (relevant for all of Southern California) by Dr. Dennis Mileti and Ken Ekland. It will be presented by Jim Knight – WA6RNV. The presentation topics will include: Tectonic Plates The Quake We Face First Day to 7 Days After Preparedness Actions Other Recommendations     Because of the proprietary nature of the presentation, only SBARC members will be able to view the recorded version of the meeting after the meeting is concluded. We will make this available to members via a special link we will send out by email. We will be posting details here on the meeting date approximately one half hour before the meeting starts at 7:30. So please check back then! Post expires at 9:52pm on Friday July 17th, 2020 but will still be available in the archives.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 7/2/2020

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. We had another interesting net tonight with 12 check-ins plus net control Brian, K6BPM. Tonight’s topics included: Local repeater link issues. Logging QSOs to LOTW (Logbook of the world). HF Contacts. Yaesu System Fusion. Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week