FM Simplex Node Frequencies in Santa Barbara

  Over the past few months there has been a renewed interest in AllStarLink FM simplex nodes among our members. These low power devices allow users to connect to remote VoIP nodes and repeater systems using an internet connection and an HT. Most opt to buy or build a device on 70cm. A couple years ago, during the initial DMR hotspot craze, SBARC expert consultant Matt W6XC identified a few frequencies around 431 MHz that were useful for digital hotspots like the OpenSpot and ZumSpot. HOWEVER, these frequencies are NOT appropriate for analog FM nodes. We must use a different part of the 70cm band for FM emissions. Matt suggests the following options for low-power, analog FM usage: 440.000/445.000; 446.860/441.860; 446.880/441.880 may be used as pairs for a low-power duplex node or as separate simplex node frequencies. Please listen to these frequencies with low squelch settings and no CTCSS for a few days before permanently parking your node here to see if and how these frequencies are used. FM simplex nodes are best PL/CTCSS protected, especially if they are left connected to a system like K6TZ or WIN System. Definitely avoid 446.000 altogether. This is the National Calling Frequency for 70cm. 446.500 and 446.520 are “General Simplex” frequencies. Others many want to use these for simplex QSOs or other itinerant purposes so please don’t park your node on any of these three frequencies. Also note that 432.000-439.999 MHz is allocated to weak signal, Amateur Television and digital emissions only. 440 is tough given the lack of simplex allocations. It’s a truly stuffed band! Perhaps just as important as which frequency you choose for your node is setting the PL/CTCSS tones. In Santa Barbara and Ventura counties, DO NOT use 131.8 or 88.5 127.9 Hz as a tone for your node. Picking almost anything else will ensure that you don’t inadvertently open the receiver of a repeater on the same or nearby frequency. If you are interested in these FM VoIP nodes, consider the ClearNode and SHARI projects.   Levi, K6LCM K6TZ Trustee

REGULATORY ALERT: Changes to RF Exposure Rules

You may have read about a recent change to the FCC regulations governing RF Exposure standards for amateur radio stations.  The new rules went into effect on May 3, 2021. While the change does not modify existing RF Exposure (RFE) limits, it does now require that ALL amateur radio licensees evaluate their stations for RFE. What does this mean for me? Operators of existing amateur stations have two years to complete an RFE evaluation. However, operators of all new stations or of any existing stations that are modified in a way that’s likely to change their RFE profile — such as different antenna or placement or greater power — will need to conduct an evaluation by the date of activation or change. This means that every station you operate from a legal limit HF station with a beam to a personal Pi-Star or AllStarLink hotspot will have to be evaluated for RFE. Some experts have advised that one should also retain evidence of those evaluations. Will this change really affect me? While there is little risk that your low-power HTs and hotspots will will present results that require mitigation of RFE, you might be surprised to find that your 25-50-watt mobile 2-meter radio with a common 6dBi mobile whip antenna will radiate RF in excess of the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) up to to 10-15 feet from the antenna! So it might be a good idea to refresh your knowledge about RFE and be sure that you understand your responsibilities as a licensee. What can I do to be sure I am in compliance? The easiest thing to do is to evaluate your station using an online RF exposure calculator. The tool at this link makes the process relatively straightforward. You can simply print the results from the web calculator as evidence of your evaluation. If your station exceeds the MPE for the frequencies you are operating on, you might need to reduce power or relocate your antenna to mitigate the risk of exposure. Where can I learn more? There have been a number of online threads and YouTube videos addressing this issue. Many have veered deep into technical discussions with some YouTube videos rambling on for hours on the subject. That is certainly more time than most hams will want to dedicate to regulatory compliance. The most succinct and organized video primer on the subject that I have found is the YouTube video “New FCC RF safety rules for ham radio” from Ria, N2RJ. She has organized the information into… Continue reading

Replay Club Meetings on YouTube

 Care to revisit one of the awesome presentations from our socially distant streaming club meetings? We’ve assembled a YouTube playlist with our 2020-2021 General Club Meetings. Relive the action and catch up on anything you may have missed. From Amateur TV to Earth-Moon-Earth operations to SBARC telecom site tours, our meetings on archived on the SBARC channel.

April General (Zoom) Meeting – Solar Cycle 25

It you received last months issue of QST magazine, you may have noticed that Solar Cycle 25 is here! After some regular club business is taken care of we are going to share a video about operating during a solar cycle that we think will be especially interesting to newer hams that have never experienced solar cycle operating before. It is an “exciting time” for hams, and bands that are usually dead will come alive with activity. Even Technicians can get in on the action. So please join us on Friday, April 16, 2021 on ZOOM! The virtual doors will open at 7:00pm and thee meeting will begin at 7:30pm. SBARC K6TZ is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: SBARC General Club Meeting Time: Apr 16, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting YouTube feed is here:   Post expires at 10:00pm on Friday April 16th, 2021 but will still be available in the archives.

K6TZ Club Station @ Chrisman California Islands Center

K6TZ will provide educational outreach to the community as part of the permanent gallery space at the Chrisman California Islands Center. The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club  and the Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation  have been invited to build an Amateur Radio Station at the new Chrisman California Islands Center (CCIC) in Downtown Carpinteria. The CCIC, opening in Q4 2021, will be home to the Santa Cruz Island Foundation and its museum-quality collection of artifacts from the California Islands. Radio Station K6TZ at the CCIC, a fully-functional HF-VHF-UHF and microwave amateur radio station, will be prominently featured on the gallery floor as both a working display to bring the wonders of radio technology to the visiting public through an interactive display and a functional station for club members to operate. SBARC presently operates a club station at the American Red Cross building in Santa Barbara. The CCIC Station will expand SBARC’s footprint by offering an additional physical station location serving members in Carpinteria and Ventura County. The Club plans to host Club gatherings at the CCIC Station as well as offer regular open station hours and support radiosport contests from the site. The Carpinteria station will be open to the public during the CCIC’s open hours and part of a living exhibit to promote amateur radio and digital wireless technologies. The Santa Cruz Island Foundation is providing the 12′ x 7′ gallery space dedicated exclusively to the radio station along with a 55″ TV monitor to display a demonstration of SBARC’s various systems, including the camera and vessel tracking systems on Diablo Peak, Santa Cruz Island. More details, including opportunities to support fundraising efforts for K6TZ @ CCIC are forthcoming. AMATEUR RADIO ON THE CHANNEL ISLANDS Ed Stanton, the San Diego-born businessman who purchased Santa Cruz Island in 1937, operated on HF frequencies from his island ranch. Over the years, numerous radio operations have taken place on the Channel Islands, including Islands on the Air (IOTA) and UHF Field Day activations. Today, SBARC/SBWF maintain public safety and amateur radio telecommunications facilities at 2,429 feet above sea level atop Diablo Peak on Santa Cruz Island. Diablo is the tallest mountain on an ocean island in the contiguous 48 states.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – 4/1/2021

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. We had another interesting net tonight with 8 check-ins plus net control Brian, K6BPM. Tonight’s topics included: Lights have been off recently at La Vigia site, is there a reason? What’s going on with our EchoLink system? AllStar. Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.

The audio archive of this net can best be followed by downloading the .mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with the media player of your choice. You can move the progress slider forward or backward to the subject of interest to you. We had another interesting net tonight with 9 check-ins plus net control Ken, KA6KEN. Tonight’s topics included: How long does it take to get a vanity callsign from the FCC? A practical test of Ken’s (KA6KEN) 2 antennas. Making antennas from copper tape? Tune in to the SBARC TM&E Net every Thursday at 8:00 PM local (2000 Hrs) and see what interesting ham radio questions might arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the net each week.