General Club Meeting – November 19, 2021
Normally this would be Election Night but in light of the continuing pandemic, we’re going to have this meeting, our final meeting of the year over Zoom, hopefully for the last time. We will re-evaluate after January 1st and see if we can go back to a full in-person meeting schedule. So this meeting we will be announcing the election results from our online voting totals. Hopefully you have all voted by now, but if not, check the post below for instructions. This would also normally be “Home-brew” night. Traditionally, members bring something to show that they designed and built themselves. That is always interesting because we have a very creative group. So, for this meeting we are going to do a modified version of Home-brew Night. We are going to start off with a Powerpoint presentation on soldering. For most home-brew projects, knowing how to solder is job one! We’ll cover the basics as well as more advanced types such as surface mount components. The balance of the meeting will be devoted to anyone wanting to show one of their projects. It anything to do with amateur radio or electronics in general. The only caveat to this is that it will be something you can show or demonstrate over Zoom. So, be sure to vote, get a project ready to show, and we’ll see you on Friday! Zoom opens at 7pm and the meeting will start at 7:30pm. Join Zoom Meeting Join us on YouTube Post expires at 8:00pm on Friday November 19th, 2021 but will still be available in the archives.