February General Club Meeting – 2/18/22

We were treated to presentation by Ron Gibbons, PhD W6KKG on his “Life as a Nomadic Field Engineer”. Ron worked in Alaska on the White Alice Communications System in the 50’s and 60’s and in other locations around the world. He has many interesting stories about working in some of the most dangerous places in the world. We’re sure you will enjoy this presentation. Post expires at 11:22pm on Friday February 18th, 2022 but will still be available in the archives.

General Club Meeting for January 21, 2022 – In Arizona?

The January 2022 monthly club meeting was different than any other we’ve ever done before. We met in Arizona (virtuall)! Oro Valley Amateur Radio Club asked K6TZ Trustee and SBARC Director at Large Levi – K6LCM if he would do a presentation about SBARC and talk about how our organization operates. OVARC is a club of similar size in Tucson Arizona.This presentation that outlines our many projects and services. We felt that our own members would enjoy the presentation as well since there a lot of things we do to keep SBARC operating that many of our members may not know about. Since their meetings are on the same schedule as ours are, we decided to conduct a joint meeting in January 2022 Post expires at 1:00am on Saturday January 22nd, 2022 but will still be available in the archives.

Bill Talanian, W1UUQ Joins the Ranks of The All Eight Club

SBARC Trustee Emeritus has set foot on each of the eight California Channel Islands Talanian visited San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands on Tuesday. (courtesy photo) Bill Talanian, W1UUQ has set foot on each of the eight California Channel Islands. The SBARC Trustee Emeritus visited San Miguel and San Clemente Islands this week checking off the last two islands on the list in his quest to visit each of the coastal outposts, an accomplishment that few can claim. More people have actually been to the International Space Station than have set foot on all eight Channel Islands. Marla Daily, a California Channel Islands research historian and president of the Santa Cruz Island Foundation, founded the All Eight Club to recognize those who have achieved the feat. Visiting all eight islands is not a simple task. Each requires different visitation arrangements. Five of the eight islands comprise Channel Islands National Park and are open to the public, while two, San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands are controlled by the U.S. military. “Soon after passing my 90th birthday, I finally got to join the exclusive All Eight Club,” said Talanian. “Perhaps I am only the second SBARC member after Ken Owen, N6KTH, of Channel Islands Restoration. In actuality I have nine islands after spending two days on the little known Rincon Island.” Members of the All Eight Club. include biologists anthropologists, botanists, ornithologists, zoologists, educators, helicopter and fixed wing pilots, a retired National Park superintendent and park employees, a museum director, a lichenologist, a photographer, a retired judge, and a sea captain. According to Daily, it is the most exclusive recognized geographic club in the world with membership in the low 200s—a tenth of the famous 7 Summits Club. Listen to “Little Known Club On South Coast has Unique Admissions Test; You Must Visit All 8 Channel Islands” a 2018 KCLU story on the All Eight Club.

We’re almost halfway to our scholarship fundraising goal!

*** Be sure to allocate your donation to the “Scholarship Fund” box. *** In 2021, the Board of Directors created the Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation Scholarship Fund to provide annual support to high school seniors with excellent academic records who plan to study Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) in higher education. Each year, the Scholarship Committee will select one or more high school seniors who will receive up to $1,000 to support their undergraduate studies. This scholarship is funded entirely through contributions made to the Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation Scholarship Fund. Tax-deductible contributions to the Scholarship Fund may be made by clicking here. Learn more and apply at scholarships.sbwireless.org. While not requirements, preference is given to applicants who are graduating from a high school in Santa Barbara County and who hold an active FCC amateur radio license. The SB Wireless Foundation Scholarship Fund supports SBARC and SB Wireless’ missions to develop and support an organized and comprehensive educational program in our local communities. Thank you for your support, Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM Scholarship Committee Chair

Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation Launches STEM Scholarship

Scholarship endeavors to support college-bound students studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics. SANTA BARBARA, Calif., January 12, 2022 – The Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation is accepting applications for its new scholarship in support of students who intend on pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a college bound high school senior in May 2022. Applicants must be high school seniors who plan to study Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics in higher education and should have an excellent academic record. While not requirements, preference is given to applicants who are graduating from a high school in Santa Barbara County and who hold an active Federal Communications Commission amateur radio license. The application period is open through April 30, 2022. Applications may be completed online at: scholarships.sbwireless.org The scholarship is funded through contributions made to the Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation Scholarship Fund. Tax-deductible donations to the Scholarship Fund may be made at the Foundation’s website. The Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation (www.sbwireless.org) and the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club (www.sbarc.org) together form a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public benefit corporation organized to promote education for persons interested in telecommunications, to disseminate information about scientific discoveries and progress in the field of wireless communications, and to train communicators for public service and emergency communications. The organization also encourages and sponsors experiments in electronics and promotes the highest standards of practice and ethics in the conduct of communications. Media Contact Levi C. Maaia, Director-at-Large lcm@maaia.com • 805-604-5384 Post expires at 9:54pm on Tuesday March 1st, 2022 but will still be available in the archives.

Holiday Rover Repairs

Rovermaster Bob, Jim, Wayne, and I installed a new 100 watt solar panel and charge controller on the Rover. This was an upgrade from the very old 20 watt panel. Took about 3 hours. Ended up taking the Rover to Wayne’s house to be closer to really great tools and a killer machine shop. – Michael K6RQV Post expires at 9:56pm on Tuesday March 1st, 2022 but will still be available in the archives.

Merry Christmas from SBARC

On behalf of myself and the SBARC Board of Directors, I would like to wish all our members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Last year at this time we all thought that the dreaded virus would be behind us by the time Christmas 2021 rolled around. I guess not! In a few days, we’ll be entering the third year of pandemic pandemonium. We’re not going to let it stop us though, and we are going to try to resume some sense of normalcy in the coming year. Last year I wrote that I had hoped we would celebrate our 101st year as a club. It didn’t happen mostly because of in person committee meetings and difficulties planning a dinner given the restrictions in place. We can still make up for it next year and celebrate out 102nd year. We plan to resume in-person monthly club meetings next year. We may do it on January 21st, however there has been some behind the scenes talk about having a co-club meeting with an amateur radio club in Arizona. That would require us to do a Zoom meeting. We’ll post something when we know more. Once again, you all have our best wishes for this holiday season and the coming year. One way or another, we’ll see you all next year at the January 21st club meeting. Brian Milburn – K6BPM President – Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club Post expires at 1:00am on Tuesday January 4th, 2022 but will still be available in the archives.