2024 Annual Picnic

SBARC Members enjoying the fine food!

We had a great turnout for the annual SBARC picnic this year. Dave AI6VX handled the cooking again this year and many others brought food to share. No one went away hungry. Of course Darryl held a transmitter hunt as is his custom. Many people helped to put this together. Dorothy K6DSO picked up the burgers, hotdogs, and all the fixings. Mike K6QD brought the new popup tents (they we didn’t use). Larry, WA6MVJ brought water and ice. Big thanks to everyone who helped out and helped clean up afterwards.

Dave Ai6VX at the grill and Levi K6LCM picking up a few pointers.


Post expires at 7:02pm on Thursday October 10th, 2024 but will still be available in the archives.

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About Brian K6BPM

President, Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club 2016-Present

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