SBARC Summer Potluck Barbecue – September 22nd 2024

stowgrovePlease join us for a good old fashioned summertime potluck barbecue. SBARC will host this years get-together at Stow Grove Park on La Patera Lane in Goleta just before it intersects Cathedral Oaks Rd. We will be in Area 2 This once-a-year SBARC event will be held on September 22, 2024, from 10:00 AM until 2:30 PM. With all the various projects going on related to the relocation of our repeaters, this will be a welcome break.

This year will work much the same way as last year. SBARC will supply delicious 1/3 lb. hamburgers and cheeseburgers with all the fixings for all SBARC members and their immediate families. For non-members, burgers will be $5 each. You are welcome to bring your own beverages and we will have cold sodas and water available for $1.

Since this is a potluck, we are encouraging everyone to bring something to share. You can bring a salad, potato chips, beans, hot dish, cookies or other desert, whatever you like and whatever you have time for.

We hope you will join us for a relaxing meal and take the time to catch up with old friends. Of course, we can always use a little help setting things up before the event and cleaning things up afterwards. If you have a little time we would surely appreciate your help.

Please RSVP so we know how much food to buy. Call our message line at 805-456-K6TZ (456-5689) or send a message through our Contact Us link and let us know if you are attending and how many people you will be bringing.

Hope to see you there!

Post expires at 1:05am on Monday September 23rd, 2024 but will still be available in the archives.

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About Brian K6BPM

President, Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club 2016-Present

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