K6TZ Repeater Update

A quick update on the K6TZ repeater situation …

We are aware that the move of the K6TZ 146.79 repeater to TV Hill / KEYT-TV Studios has had a significant impact for some users. Some who had reliable coverage using a handheld transceiver in the past have been unable to make reliable contact now using the same. Others, particularly on the Riviera and in Montecito, have experienced improved coverage with the repeater move.

With this in mind, we have begun a search for a solution that can preserve the best of these changes while improving usability for those who are experiencing a degradation in service. For the time being, the K6TZ 70cm repeater on 446.400 (minus offset, 131.8 Hz PL) has been restored to service at Vic Trace (aka La Vigia, aka Talanian Communications Facility) and linked to the SBARC Hub network, until we can find a more permanent solution.

I encourage you to try this 70cm linked repeater if you have difficulties using 146.79 or any other linked repeater from your location. Signal reports are appreciated.

I am also trying to keep our K6TZ Repeaters & Data Systems page current to reflect the real-world state of the SBARC network.

-Levi, K6LCM
K6TZ Trustee

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About K6LCM

Levi is an Extra Class licensee and the K6TZ FCC license trustee. He is a member of the SBARC Board of Directors and a Volunteer Examiner.

One Response to K6TZ Repeater Update

  1. KF6HHXKF6HHX says:

    Thanks for keeping us informed and keeping K6TZ alive and on the air. From my point of view (at my Goleta base station) 19-79 performed flawlessly during the Fiesta Parade. I know this is a team effort and the work is very much appreciated. Also, thanks for the assist with the macro at the end of the event.
    At this base station, the Fiesta traffic was through an attic-mounted J-pole driven by 11 watts from a GE Phoenix-SX transceiver.
    I have no HT signal data for you from this QTH. KF6HHX

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