New Antenna Goes Up at KEYT

If you haven’t heard, we were offered a place for our main K6TZ repeater (146.79) on TV hill, the decades old home of KEYT. Much of the credit goes to Senior Reporter John Palminteri. John was one of the first to report on our situation, and immediately stepped up to help. We are extremely grateful.

Here is Wayne AF6GX up on the KEYT mast installing a new Comet tri-band antenna. The tri-bander will provide some flexibility if we decide to change things later on. It will work for 2 meter, 440 and 220.

This is the first step in relocating the repeater. Next, we’ll be performing some coverage tests to get an idea how our coverage might differ from the current location. Next, we’ll be preparing to relocate the 440 input from UCSB and adding a microwave link back to the shack at the Red Cross. Then finally, we’ll be moving the repeater and other connected equipment.

There will likely be a day or two down-time when we do the physical repeater move. There is a lot of stuff to disconnect and reconnect and test. Our repairs at Santa Ynez Peak and Diablo Peak on Santa Cruz Island will remain on-the-air and linked through the period.

Post expires at 1:00am on Wednesday July 31st, 2024 but will still be available in the archives.

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About Brian K6BPM

President, Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club 2016-Present

2 Responses to New Antenna Goes Up at KEYT

  1. KF6HHXKF6HHX says:

    YES !!!!!! YES !!!!!! YES !!!!!!

  2. KF6DIKF6DI says:

    Thanks so much guys! I noticed the increase in signal strength immediately. The new site figures to be 6.6 times higher than the old site! That might have something to do with it.

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