You are invited to the annual SBARC/WB6OBB Christmas Party. We will be holding this event on Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 1:00 pm at Rusty’s Pizza Parlor location at 5934 Calle Real near the Walgreen’s Pharmacy on the mountain side of Calle Real east of Fairview. This is a BYOP (Buy your own pizza) event and please bring a wrapped gag gift for the gift exchange! These parties are usually well attended so this is a chance to visit with a lot of people whom you might not see during the year. Stop by for a few minutes, or stay for the whole event!
No club meeting this month. We’ll look forward to seeing you at the party!
Post expires at 11:00pm on Saturday December 16th, 2023 but will still be available in the archives.