Join local VHF SSB enthusiasts and experimenters each Wednesday at 2000 hours, following the Club Net, for the Santa Barbara 2-Meter SSB roundtable. The net meets on 144.210 MHz USB and is open to everyone.
K6TZ Repeater – 146.79 (-) PL 131.8, linked to 224.08 (-) PL 131.8 – Discussion of the technical aspects of amateur radio. Special attention is given to newcomers. Hosted by a weekly rotating crew of net controls.
15:51:17The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club holds its General Meetings on the third Friday of the month. Your Board of Directors recently made the decision to have Club Meetings 12 months of the year, instead of skipping the months of June, July, August, and December. The meetings are held at the Goleta Union School Dist. Admin. Center Board Room. The meeting starts at 7:30pm, but come early for the “Free-to-Good-Home” Table, SBARC Bookstore, and socializing.