Brian Milburn (K6BPM), SBARC President (right) presents Bill Talanian (W1UUQ), K6TZ Trustee Emeritus (left) with the plaque that will be installed at the newly dedicated Talanian Communications Site on the Mesa.
On Saturday, January 2, 2021, SBARC President Brian Milburn (K6BPM) presented Bill Talanian (W1UUQ) with a plaque dedicating the Club’s communications facility atop the Mesa in Bill’s name. Bill has worked tirelessly for decades as the K6TZ trustee. Due in a major part to Bill’s efforts, SBARC maintains repeaters and data systems at prime locations throughout Santa Barbara County in cooperation with government agencies and other private, non-profit organizations.
The Talanian Communications Facility building was erected in 2011 atop the City of Santa Barbara’s Vic Trace Reservoir site with grant funds secured by Bill Talanian and Andy Seybold (W6AMS). Since then, the facility has been the hub for the SBARC communications network and is home to the Club’s flagship repeater on 146.790 MHz. The facility was dedicated by unanimous action of the SBARC Board of Directors.
Congratulations, Bill