Directions to the SBARC Elings Park Field Day site: If you are coming from the south (see map above), take 101 to Carrillo and head southwest toward the Mesa. Turn west on Cliff Drive and follow ¾ mile (past Monrow Elementary) to the Elings Park South entrance (not well marked). If you are coming from the north, take 101 to Las Positas and head south. Turn east on Cliff Drive and continue about $frac14; mile to the Elings Park South entrance (not well marked). In either case, turn north into the park passing through a gate and then turn left at the fork, passing through another gate, and continue on the dirt road. Stay LEFT at the next fork (the dirt road becomes one way at this point) and park in the dirt parking lot (we will be sharing with the hang glider folks). Continue on foot until you see the SBARC Rover at the top of the hill. (Lat/Long 34.410028, -119.735822) ADVISORY: There is no driving access to the site from the Elings Park main gate off Las Positas.
This year we’re putting the “Field” back in Field Day! We will be operating from Elings Park up on the hill where the hang gliders take off. We will be operating from 11:00am Saturday until 11:00am Sunday, and we still have several time slots to fill, so we would really appreciate your help. We need two volunteers per time slot, one to operate the station, and one to help with outreach to the public (answering questions, etc). Newly licensed (in the past year) and inactive hams – we’ll teach you how to work the GOTA station (check out the ARRL Field Day intro and the ARRL Field Day Rules for more information); so, if you are new to the hobby or just getting back into it, we have a spot for you too! We also need people to help set up before-hand, and help break-down at the end. Operating/outreach time-slots are four hours long (but if you can only do something less, we’ll still fit you in). Your club needs you! Let’s make this a fun field day for everyone.
We will bring the Rover to just above the hang gliding area at 7:00am on Saturday, June 23. We will need a crew of four or more to assemble the antenna and put it on the Rover’s mast, but we’ll need more people to help assemble di-poles and erect antenna masts.
We need a minimum of TEN volunteers to kick this off – six operators and four people for outreach (fewer for outreach since the public won’t be there during the dark hours). It would be awesome to get twelve operator time-slots filled (two people per time-slot) for a total of SIXTEEN volunteers so we can run two operator stations! You are more than welcome to work a 4-hour operator shift and a 4-hour outreach shift, if you so desire, or even take two operator shifts at different stations and/or times (lowering the need for as many total volunteers). Feel free to mix it up and hang out.
If you can help out in any way, please contact us immediately, and let us know what hours you are available. Ideally, we’ll be filling shifts for these six time slots: 11am-3pm, 3pm-7pm, 7pm-11pm, 11pm-3am, 3am-7am, and 7am-11am, but again, let us know when you can help, and we’ll fit you in!
Post expires at 1:00am on Monday June 25th, 2018 but will still be available in the archives.