Election Results: Your 2018 Board of Directors

Dorothy, SBARC's outgoing secretary and Tom N6YX, chief financial officer, oversaw the election on November 17, 2017 under flashlights during an SCE planned power outage scheduled during our regular meeting time.

Dorothy K6DSO, SBARC’s outgoing secretary and Tom N6YX, SBARC chief financial officer, oversaw the election on November 17, 2017 under flashlights during an SCE planned power outage scheduled during our regular Friday-night meeting time.

Despite the scheduled power outage at our meeting place, we were able to successfully conduct the SBARC election for the 2018 Board of Directors under portable, generator-powered lights. All of the nominated candidates were approved by the voting membership.

Members shared their own projects and experiments during "Homebrew Night" at the November General Club Meeting.

Members shared their own projects and experiments during “Homebrew Night” at the November General Club Meeting.

2018 Executive Committee
President and Chief Executive Officer: Brian Milburn, K6BPM
Chief Financial Officer: Tom Saunders, N6YX
Secretary: Wayne Beckman, AF6GX

2018 Directors At Large
Director At Large: Ken Alker, KA6KEN
Director At Large: Theo Howe, KK6YYZ
Director At Large: Levi Maaia, K6LCM
Director At Large: Michael Taylor, K6RQV

Two referendum items were also on the ballot. Results for those ballot questions are as follows:

#1 Raise the annual dues from $24 per year to $35 per year: APPROVED.

#2 Amend bylaws to allow Board of Directors to set annual membership dues. NOT APPROVED.

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About K6LCM

Levi is an Extra Class licensee and the K6TZ FCC license trustee. He is a member of the SBARC Board of Directors and a Volunteer Examiner.

One Response to Election Results: Your 2018 Board of Directors

  1. K6BPMK6BPM says:

    A big thanks to Levi, K6LCM for rescuing the meeting last night by bringing a generator and lighting on just a few minutes notice!

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