Santa Ynez Peak linked to La Vigia (Mesa) repeater

Looking northwest from Santa Ynez Peak.

Looking northwest from Santa Ynez Peak.

Thanks to the efforts of the Telecommunications Services Committee, we are testing a new link between the Santa Ynez Peak 2-meter club repeater (W6YJO) and the main 146.79 2-meter club repeater (K6TZ) at the La Vigia/Mesa site.  This link will allow participants in North County to join the many nets on the 146.79 repeater and more easily engage in QSOs with hams on the South Coast.

Here are the details:
146.79- PL 131.8 in Downtown Santa Barbara is now linked to 145.18- PL 131.8 on Santa Ynez Peak.  Both are standard negative offsets (600 KHz).  Give both linked repeaters a try and see which one you can get into best!

At this point, this link is a beta test.  We hope to have it up full time during the test but there are no guarantees. If you have questions or experience any problems, please contact us.

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About K6LCM

Levi is an Extra Class licensee and the K6TZ FCC license trustee. He is a member of the SBARC Board of Directors and a Volunteer Examiner.

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