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Tonight’s Technical Mentoring and Elmering (TM&E) net was another informative one with 10 check-ins plus net control (K6HWN) and 7 chat room participants. The subject matter included:
- Police scanner jargon / protocol for patrols such as 32 Adam, 32 M, 32 K or just 32.
- Affect of a dipole or long wire up in a tree (a lot of foliage) or even touching a branch and maybe even bending a little.
- Slingshots, weights & pulleys, etc. when hanging a dipole or long wire.
- Modulation meter vs. Power meter.
Tune in to the TM&E Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM or 2000 Hrs and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the TM&E Net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.